Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There IS Such a Thing as a Free Lunch!

Not even a week ago I thanked the almighty power that makes sure I get fed. It happened again today. I left work today without lunch or lunch plans. I said to myself, "Let's see if the food comes." And it did.

I didn't eat breakfast, but when I got to work, there was a piece of pound cake on my desk. That plus the coffee made for a decent breakfast. A few hours later, while fixing a cup of tea, I discovered leftover pizza from a meeting that had just ended. And if that weren't enough, we celebrated a coworker's birthday with a double chocolate cake.

Even when I feel all alone, there's a power greater than myself looking out for me. When I'm having a dark day, I'll have to remember moments like this.


Anonymous said...

That is a great story.

Anonymous said...

Yes,please always remember that you are not alone and that are taken care of. :)