Saturday, November 8, 2008

Paying for (Retail) Therapy

A couple months ago, I decided that from then until the end of the year, I'd put away any overtime pay in an envelope and use it as an allowance for clothes shopping. I was very serious about it: Rather than let the money hang out in my account (and eventually get spent on other things), I went to the bank and withdrew the cash amount to set aside.

It hasn't been a lot but it has added up. And I couldn't do it at all this past week (I used my overtime to pay for my car registration). Still, there's a reasonable $150 saved up. And because I keep it locked away, I kind of forget about it until it's time to add to it. You know what they say: Out of sight, out of mind.

So last night I was thinking about how I really need to find some tops and sweaters for the cold-weather months. When I transferred money from savings last week to pay for my car repair, I transferred more than I ended up needing. I thought last night that I could just use that extra amount to shop with.

But then it hit me: I have allowance! So I can shop this weekend completely guilt free. Of course, now the goal will be not to spend it on something I don't need -- like a frying pan or book.

So off to the outlet mall I go this weekend. I'll check in and let you know how I did.

Oh -- and I've already paid the credit card for the car repair. Didn't want that interest adding up. So everything is back on schedule, finally.

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