Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Posting From Bed

I'm wireless again! I'd missed the ease and convenience of using my laptop from my bedroom or living room, so I finally broke down and bought a new router last weekend. I've been unable to use my computer away from my desk for almost a year. I won't go into the details of my computer saga, but feel free to read here and here.

Well, it finally dawned on me (very late, I know) that I didn't need to upload the software; it's still uploaded from the last router. So I broke down and spent the 100 bucks for it. Besides, I'm not going to be buying a new computer next year; I have other priorities. $100 definitely beats $1,500, that's for sure.

Also, I plan to make a hefty extra payment on the debt next month. Doing so will enable to me meet my goal by October. (The previous plan was structured for my original deadline date of December 2010.) It's going to hurt a bit, but it'll pay off in the long run.

As for now, though, I've gotta back. I'm visiting the 'rents for Turkey Day. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ciao!

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