Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh How I Wish...

... that the savings balance and the debt balance were reversed. How fabulous that would be!

The boots have officially been paid for (I just checked the card balance), so there's a spot of good news. Otherwise, everything is in a holding pattern. Well, a tight holding pattern. I've been having to be very creative about what to eat for lunch and dinner the last few days. I let things get a bit too tight this pay period and am paying for it now. Things aren't dire, mind you, just ... tight.

Would it surprise you to know that none of my friends know I have two blogs? I've occasionally considered sharing this bit of information with them, but being the compartmentalizer that I am, I reconsidered. I don't have to censor myself, and that helps keep me honest about my money situation.

In other news, I had some freelance work last weekend, and I have some more coming later this month. In a perfect world, I'd put it all toward the debt. But I know I'll want to sock some away in savings, especially after the boot purchase. We'll see.

And it just dawned on me why the savings went down so much this month: I'm going on a bus trip to NYC in a couple weekends. It's an art tour and the tickets were a couple hundred bucks. That explains it. It's been driving me crazy!

OK, I'm rambling. That's always a sure sign that I'm tired. Good night. Here's to a prosperous tomorrow.

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