Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Praise of Payday

Today is payday for me, and allow me to take a breath of relief.

The bills were all already paid (I set up their payments from the last check as soon as I got paid), but I was down to the dregs. On fumes, as it were. So payday was welcome.

Of course, this particular paycheck pays for rent and electricity, so I'll have all of 40 bucks in the end. But at least I have enough to buy some cheap stuff for lunch.

And allow me to remark on my debt progress: It's now below $14,000. Well below, actually. It's $13,621. Mind you, according to my payment schedule, it should be $13,620, so I'm a dollar over. At the risk of sounding obsessive-compulsive (which I kinda am, but that's another story), I really want to pay extra to make up for it. I'd rather be ahead than even a dollar behind. Whatever gets me debt free faster.

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