Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sneaky, Sneaky

To simplify a few things, I recently set up an automatic bill payment for the Big Beast, scheduling a payment of the minimum amount (usually in the $270 range) to be paid the day after the e-bill is received.

I guess my infrequent use of the card, as well as my stepped-up payment plan, has clued the bank in regarding my plans: to pay off the card. My plan would definitely cut down on interest charges.

So today when I received my e-bill, I couldn't help but notice the special offer -- a reduced minimum payment due. And I mean laughably reduced. How reduced? How's $15?

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Because I'd set up the automatic bill payment, that's all that would've been paid this month had I not noticed, meaning my balance would've incurred a helluva lot more interest for next month. So I did the right thing: I scheduled an extra payment to make my regular budgeted amount -- plus their $15 minimum due. So take that, Big Beast Bank! You're not gonna stop me from paying you off.

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