Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Merry Christmas to Me

I know it's not Christmas yet, but I've bought myself a present. A digital camera. Not the most expensive version out there, but not the cheapest either. I've stalked this camera for months and it's a good compact with pretty much all the features I've wanted. I've been planning for it. So yes, though I did charge it, I will be paying for it. My next freelance check will cover most of it.

And right now? No buyer's remorse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good camera is worth so much more than money. Capturing memories is a beautiful way to celebrate life.
After my husband passed away and my son was born, I invested in a really nice NIKON (yes, film, etc...) but I have some beautiful pictures of my son and his life.
It was only $200 but the in the end, memories and our pictures to remind us of those memories are all we have.