Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mercury Is in Serious Retrograde

On Saturday, my iPod broke. When I tried to reset it, a little icon of an iPod came up with sad face on the screen.

On Sunday, in the middle of typing an e-mail, my Internet went bye-bye. After an hour on the phone with my provider, it was finally determined that my modem had gone kaput.

On Monday evening, when I got home from work, I turned on my space heater in my living room. I noticed a strong electrical odor. I didn't think it was a good sign, but then I thought that maybe, just maybe, a piece of lint had burned, causing the odor. But about a half-hour later, I heard the heating element clicking. I immediately unplugged it and threw it away.

Today, Tuesday, I got chilly at work. Because we can't have space heaters (and with good reason), I have a heating pad that I turn on whenever I get a little cold. After about 15 minutes, I realized that I was still chilled. Turns out that my heating pad no longer worked.

Four days. Four pieces of electronic equipment D-E-A-D.

Thankfully, I have a new modem, and all is well with that. But I still need a heater for my living room, a heating pad for work, and though I don't "need" another one, I really miss my iPod. I'd done so well on not spending any money, and now I'm looking at having to spend some serious coin.

I'm going to try to go without the iPod and space heater for a while, but I've gotta get a new heating pad or I'll freeze at work. At least at home I can wrap up in a quilt. Folks tend to look at you funny when you do that at work. :-)

Stay tuned.

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