Sunday, July 19, 2009

A (Belated) Thank You

I started this debt blog a couple years ago as a way to chart my progress. I wanted to have a record of my ups and downs to look back on when I was finally debt free. I'm glad I did. Whenever I start losing hope, I come here and check out my beginning debt balance. Seeing how far I've come encourages me.

I didn't really expect anyone to read any of my posts, and I often felt pretty alone. I mean, I know there are other people out there blogging their debt payoffs. But it seems like most are two-income households, some with children. Where were the single women out there?

And then every now and then I'd get a comment, a few words of encouragement from other unmarried women out there. That has gone a long way to making me feel connected. Also, knowing that there are people who occasionally read my words -- who are following my progress -- has made me accountable. I made these goals, and by golly, I want more than ever to achieve them lest I look like a failure. :-)

So thank you. Thank you to the ladies of Cents and Sensibility and Bouncing Back from Bankruptcy for your words of encouragement over the years. Thank you to those of you who have become "followers" of my humble blog. And thank you, Angelica -- a line in your recent comment has become my mantra:
Do not neglect the woman in you; she's no Sleeping beauty, she lives now.

Here's to all of us taking care of the women inside us.


Zoya said...

You have an interesting blog :)

Zoya said...

Well, actually, both of your blogs are interesting, I was referring to the debt blog :)

Bouncing Back said...

Keep up the good work! :)


Maria said...

I'm here for you girl! :)

P.S. I also read your other blog too just dont comment.